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Spicy! Hot! Fizzy and refreshing! A burst of 17 kinds of spices! [Spicy Cola Series]

"Add some excitement to your daily life! Heat up your body and soul with spicy cola."

A sauna will help you rejuvenate your mind and body and refresh after your workout!

"Spicy Cola" is a craft cola with a stimulating flavor made from 17 kinds of spices.

[Spices carefully selected from around the world will awaken you]

We use a generous amount of spices carefully selected from around the world, including cola nut, cinnamon, and vanilla.

The natural ingredients, also used in traditional Chinese medicine, warm the body from the inside out and energize it.

No artificial flavors or colorings are used, and the original flavor and aroma of the ingredients are tightly concentrated.

The level of spiciness is up to you!

From the mild spiciness of "Level 1 Spicy" to the intense spiciness of "Hellfire 9."

You can choose the level of stimulation to suit your mood and preferences.

[Recommended for these situations]

Want to sweat it out in the sauna and get your mind and body in order?

I want to refresh my body after sports.

I want to improve my workout performance

I want to enjoy the spiciness with everyone at outdoor events like barbecues and camping.

I want to break out of the monotony of my daily routine

If you're looking for something new, you can enjoy the refreshing aroma of spices!

[Spicy level]

1 Spicy:

It has a mild spiciness and a slight "tang" that adds just the right amount of kick. Even those who don't like spicy food can enjoy it.

Burner 5: (5 hotness)

A strong spiciness that spreads gradually, your body will heat up and your forehead will sweat! For those who like spicy food

Volcano 7: (7 spicy)

The spicy, sweat-inducing spiciness will tickle your spirit of adventure.

Hellfire 9: (9 spicy)

An intense spiciness that penetrates your eyes and nose! Challengers wanted!

Spicy! Hot! Fizzy and refreshing! Challenge yourself with levels of spiciness: 1, 5, 7, and 9!

Spicy! Hot! Fizzy and refreshing! 17 kinds of spices that bring out the spiciness of the umami

Cola nut is expected to have a refreshing effect on the mind and body, such as improving cognitive function, reducing fatigue, and promoting fat burning. In addition, 16 kinds of spices and herbs support health and beauty, such as relaxation and sedation effects, fatigue recovery, sleep aid, appetite enhancement, and skin beautifying effects.

Collapsible content

サ活でととのうのに効果的なエナジークラフトコーラ、「フェアトレードコーラ」です。 この「Fair Tr@de Cola」をおすすめする理由は燃焼系スパイスがたっぷり入っているからです。 燃焼系のスパイスがサウナ活動での爆汗を促します。 より深くととのう為にサウナ前、セットの中間でお試し下さい。 発汗準備と水分補給で炭酸割がおすすめです。 休憩中はこのクラフトコーラシロップにスポーツドリンクを混ぜて水分補給。 失われたミネラルも接種できます。 味も甘味が増して飲みやすいです。 より疲労回復とリラックスしたい方に是非! サウナスイーツ 人気 ととのった ととのった後 サウナ好き 愛好者 爽やか 酸味 楽しむ サウナ向け 体験


It is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which help maintain healthy biological functions. It is particularly rich in iron and niacin, one of the B vitamins.


Vitamin A boosts immunity, while vitamin C and flavonoids promote collagen production for beautiful skin. Limonene has a relaxing effect, reducing anxiety and stress, helping you sleep better, and helping you lose visceral fat. Iron improves the symptoms of anemia.


Tervinyl acetate promotes digestion and is expected to improve gastrointestinal problems. It is effective in activating the immune system and suppressing inflammation. It also has the effect of preventing bad breath, improving respiratory problems, inducing sweating, and relaxing, and warming the body and mind to help relieve fatigue.

Star anise

The main components of its fragrance, anethole and limonene, are effective in maintaining stomach health, increasing appetite, improving kidney function, alleviating problems specific to women, and relieving stress, and are therefore used in Chinese medicine and aromatherapy.

Vanilla beans

The main ingredients, vanillin and linalool, have a tonic effect, a relaxing effect, and an anti-infective effect. They also have the effect of regulating the intestinal environment.

Black pepper

It contains a lot of minerals such as magnesium and iron, which helps to increase the absorption of nutrients from food. The active ingredient piperine promotes digestion, relieves gastrointestinal disorders, burns fat for a diet effect, improves metabolism to improve poor circulation, and increases the brain chemical serotonin, making it a natural tranquilizer that clears the mood.


It is a herbal medicine that promotes blood circulation and improves poor circulation. Active oxygen is the cause of aging, as well as lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and it is rich in antioxidants that remove active oxygen. Other benefits include improving Alzheimer's disease and improving sleep quality.

White Pepper

It has effects such as reducing abdominal bloating, diuretic effect, antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory effect, and bactericidal effect. The component piperine is expected to have cancer prevention effects, and there are also reports that it has the effect of alleviating memory disorders and other disorders.

Cola Nuts

It contains the active ingredients caffeine and dehydrogenase, and caffeine is thought to be effective not only as a stimulant, but also in promoting digestion and dieting. Polyphenols such as anthonianin have the ability to remove active oxygen.


It contains nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and C, as well as calcium, iron, and magnesium, and its main component, cineole, has the effect of promoting digestion and activating the functions of weakened stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys. It is also effective in reducing accumulated stress in the body and improving poor circulation, skin problems, and gynecological diseases.


Capsaicin improves metabolism, promotes blood circulation, improves blood flow, improves sensitivity to cold, increases appetite, has anti-aging and skin beautifying effects. It contains vitamins A, E and C, which prevent the increase of active oxygen and have antioxidant effects. Capsaicin helps recover from fatigue and build a body that is less susceptible to fatigue.

Chili pepper

Capsaicin improves metabolism, promotes blood circulation, improves blood flow, improves sensitivity to cold, increases appetite, has anti-aging and skin beautifying effects. It contains vitamins A, E and C, which prevent the increase of active oxygen and have antioxidant effects. Capsaicin helps recover from fatigue and build a body that is less susceptible to fatigue.

Sichuan Chili Pepper

Capsaicin improves metabolism, promotes blood circulation, improves blood flow, improves sensitivity to cold, increases appetite, has anti-aging and skin beautifying effects. It contains vitamins A, E and C, which prevent the increase of active oxygen and have antioxidant effects. Capsaicin helps recover from fatigue and build a body that is less susceptible to fatigue.


Eugenol is an ingredient that has an antioxidant effect. Research has shown that it inhibits the proliferation of bad cells such as cancer cells and NF-kB. It can also be expected to have anti-aging effects. It regulates the immune system to keep cells in good condition. It also has an antibacterial effect that suppresses the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus, which causes food poisoning. Eugenol is an ingredient that has an antioxidant effect. Research has shown that it inhibits the proliferation of bad cells such as cancer cells and NF-kB. It can also be expected to have anti-aging effects. It regulates the immune system to keep cells in good condition. It also has an antibacterial effect that suppresses the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus, which causes food poisoning.


The active ingredient cinnamaldehyde promotes blood flow, delivers oxygen and nutrients to every corner of the cells, and prevents the aging of capillaries, slowing the progression of arteriosclerosis and diabetes complications. It has sweat-inducing and fever-reducing effects, preventing colds, and is used in pudding soup when you are just starting to catch a cold. It also relieves fatigue and tension.

Chinese pepper

Sanshool, a component with a numbing spiciness and gorgeous fragrance, relieves digestion, loss of appetite, and indigestion, activates the internal organs, and is used in Chinese herbal medicine for the stomach. It also warms the body, increases metabolism, induces sweating, improves chills, and is effective against summer fatigue.


This herb acts on the digestive system and promotes digestion, helping to keep the stomach healthy. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and helps prevent bad breath caused by abnormal fermentation in the stomach. It is also used in aromatherapy, which has the effect of removing psychological fatigue and making the mood more positive.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It contains a lot of spices, and when I drank it, I felt like my body was warming up from the inside and it seemed to relieve my fatigue.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It was very tasty and had lots of spices including chilli.

    I think I'm going to get addicted to this.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It had a great aroma and used a lot of spices, so it really whetted my appetite.

    It's truly an energy drink.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    Carbonated water is good, but it tastes even better when mixed with milk.

    It's especially delicious when mixed with oat milk, and pairs well with the spices.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    I had it as a boost drink before the sauna.

    I was able to warm up from the inside and enjoy the sauna even more.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    I heard it's spicy

    I tried it and it was easy to drink.

    Mix it with a sports drink

    It was delicious.

Spicy! Hot! Fizzy and refreshing! How to drink "Spicy Cola"

岐阜・美濃加茂の自然豊かな環境で作られた金柑コーラ (Kinkan Cola)は、金柑のフレッシュで甘い香りとほんのりとした苦味が絶妙に調和した、自然派のシロップです。たっぷりの柑橘を使用し、無添加で手作りされたこのシロップは、健康や美容をサポートするビタミンたっぷりの贅沢な一品です。






Carbonated water

Spicy cola syrup 1:4 carbonated water

Spicy! Hot! Numb! 17 kinds of natural ingredients are infused into the bubbles in this deliciously spicy craft cola.

With its rich spices, you'll want to drink it in a variety of situations, such as when you want to recover from fatigue.

Recommended for those who want to enjoy authentic craft cola.

岐阜・美濃加茂の自然豊かな環境で作られた金柑コーラ (Kinkan Cola)は、金柑のフレッシュで甘い香りとほんのりとした苦味が絶妙に調和した、自然派のシロップです。たっぷりの柑橘を使用し、無添加で手作りされたこのシロップは、健康や美容をサポートするビタミンたっぷりの贅沢な一品です。






Milk mix

Spicy cola syrup 1:3 milk

Mix craft cola syrup with milk for a chai-like flavor.

Drink it warm and you'll experience a spicy, pleasant flavor similar to hot chai.

On the other hand, when served chilled, it has a smooth and fresh taste, making it the perfect summer drink.

How to mix (soy milk, almond milk, oat milk)

Fat-free milk

1 cola syrup: 3 skim milk

Mixing it with skim milk gives it a rich flavor.

Since it is made with non-fat milk, it makes a healthy, low-calorie drink.

Craft cola syrup has a unique spicy sweetness that is enhanced when combined with skim milk.

When served chilled, it is refreshing and easy to drink, making it the perfect drink for hot weather.


Amazake mix

Spicy cola syrup 1:4 sweet sake

Mixing in amazake gives it a deep richness and unique sweetness.

The sweetness of the amazake softens the spicy taste of the craft cola syrup, creating a harmonious flavor.

When served chilled, the mellow taste of amazake harmonizes with the craft cola syrup, making it the perfect refreshing drink for summer.


Coconut water mix

Spicy cola syrup 1:4 coconut water

Mix it with coconut water for a refreshing taste.

The spicy craft cola syrup brings out the natural sweetness of the coconut water, making it even more delicious.

Served chilled, the refreshing flavour of coconut water blends well with the craft cola syrup to create the perfect refreshing drink for summer.



Spicy cola float

Spicy cola syrup 1:4 carbonated water + ice cream

Combining spicy cola with ice cream creates a delicious drink that is both sweet and rich.

Spicy cola has a unique flavor made with herbs and spices, and is characterized by its refreshing and clean taste.

On the other hand, ice cream is an irresistible sweet treat with a rich flavor and a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

By mixing spicy cola with ice cream, the refreshing taste of the cola and the creaminess of the ice cream combine to create a taste that is just like a special iced soda.

You can choose your favorite ice cream flavor such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc.

It gives your food a rich and tasty flavor.


Spicy! Hot! Fizzy and refreshing! Get in the mood with "Spicy Cola" during your sauna activity


Hayashi Fun Research Institute

Hayashi Yukai Laboratory is an online shopping site that delivers colorful and unique craft cola syrups, gin, and liqueurs, using ingredients from Minokamo City, Gifu Prefecture.

These products are carefully handmade in a facility for people with disabilities that complies with the Food Sanitation Act and HACCP, making them safe and reliable.

We offer a wide variety of drinks, including fragrant craft liqueurs based on shochu from Hakusen Shuzo in Gifu Prefecture, and colorful gins by STILL DAM SAGA made with natural ingredients such as saffron, butterfly pea, and hibiscus.

Please enjoy this special drop, created by combining ingredients grown in the natural surroundings of Gifu with a delicious blend and traditional techniques.