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Refresh yourself with a dry energy drink! Craft cola syrup

17 kinds of spices and herbs to refresh your mind and body

Cola nut is expected to have a refreshing effect on the mind and body, such as improving cognitive function, reducing fatigue, and promoting fat burning. In addition, 16 kinds of spices and herbs bring various benefits to health and beauty, such as a relaxing effect, a calming effect, fatigue recovery, sleep aid, appetite enhancement, beautiful skin, and mental stability.

When you're tired, when you want to cheer up, when you want to relax

When you're tired, when you want to improve your concentration at work or study, when you want to cheer yourself up, to improve your performance! As an energy replenishment after a barbecue, outdoor camping, sauna, or sports workout!

You can enjoy the refreshing, spicy flavor.

A blend of natural spices and herbs carefully selected from around the world through fair trade practices

We are committed to preserving the natural flavor of the ingredients and do not use any artificial flavors or colorings, but instead use a unique blend of 17 natural spices and herbs (allspice, pepper, Sichuan pepper, cardamom, cumin, cloves, cola nuts, coriander, perilla, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, hawk's eye chili, nutmeg, vanilla beans, black pepper, white pepper, and bay leaves).

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Spicy cola 350ml

Spicy cola 350ml

Regular price ¥2,900
Regular price Sale price ¥2,900
Sale Sold out
Taxes included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Name (product name): Cola syrup

Ingredients: Sugar (domestically produced), lemon, kola nuts, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, chili peppers, star anise, peas, peppercorns, ginger powder, coriander, bay leaves, allspice, vanilla beans

Capacity: 150ml

Weight: 370g

Expiration date: Listed on the product label

Storage method: Store in a cool, dark place and refrigerate after opening

Manufacturer: Towa Assembly Co., Ltd.: 4-4-7 Kawai-cho, Minokamo, Gifu Prefecture

Nutritional information: Per 100g: Protein 0.1g, Fat 0.0g, Carbohydrates 46.7g, Salt equivalent 0.06g

Container type: Container type Specific allergens: None

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  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It contains a lot of spices, and when I drank it, it warmed me up from the inside and helped me recover from fatigue.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It was very tasty and had lots of spices including chilli.

    I think I'm going to get addicted to this.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    It has a great aroma and uses a lot of spices, so it really whets my appetite. It's a real energy cola.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    Carbonated water is good, but it tastes even better when mixed with milk.

    It tastes especially good when mixed with oat milk, and goes well with the spices.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    I had it as a boost drink before the sauna.

    I was able to warm up from the inside and enjoy the sauna even more.

  • サウナやスポーツで「爆汗」!身体を整える、刺激的な辛さのサ活クラフトコーラ「7辛っ」!7辛っコーラは、クラフトコーラの元となるコーラナッツをはじめ、世界各地から厳選された17種類の天然スパイスとハーブに、燃焼系の鷹の爪と四川唐辛子の刺激的な辛さを加えた、大人向けのエナジードリンクです。スパイシーでほんのり甘さが漂う芳醇な香りに、「ピリッ」とパンチの効いた辛さが楽しめます。サウナやスポーツでしっかり汗をかきたい方、気分転換やストレス解消したい方、仕事や勉強の集中力を高めたい方、アウトドアや運動後のエネルギー補給に、スパイシーな刺激と爽快感を楽しみたい方におすすめです。炭酸の爽快感とパンチの効いたスパイスが、五感を刺激し、心と体を整えてくれるでしょう。サウナやバーベキュー、キャンプなどのアウトドアシーンでもぴったり。開放的な気分の中で、辛っコーラの刺激的な味わいを存分に楽しめます。健康や美容にも役立つスパイスを含んでおり、認知機能の向上、疲労感の軽減、脂肪燃焼促進、リラックス効果、鎮静効果、疲労回復、安眠効果、食欲増進、美肌効果など期待できる効果で様々なシーンで活躍してくれるでしょう。

    I heard it was spicy, but I found it easy to drink.

    It was also delicious when mixed with a sports drink.

17 types of spices that have fatigue relieving effects



It is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which help maintain healthy biological functions.

It is particularly notable for its high content of iron and niacin, one of the B vitamins.


Vitamin A boosts immunity, while vitamin C and flavonoids promote collagen production for beautiful skin.

Limonene has a relaxing effect, reducing anxiety and stress, helping you sleep better, and also has a diet effect that reduces visceral fat.

Iron improves the symptoms of anemia.


Tervinyl acetate is expected to promote digestion and improve gastrointestinal problems.

It is effective in activating the immune system and suppressing inflammation. It also has the effect of preventing bad breath, improving respiratory problems, inducing sweating, and relaxing, and it helps to recover from fatigue by warming the body and mind.

Star anise

The main components of its fragrance, anethole and limonene, are effective in maintaining stomach health, increasing appetite, improving kidney function, alleviating problems specific to women, and relieving stress, and are therefore used in Chinese medicine and aromatherapy.

Black pepper

It contains a lot of minerals such as magnesium and iron, which helps increase the absorption of nutrients from food.

The active ingredient piperine promotes digestion, relieves gastrointestinal disorders, burns fat for a weight-loss effect, improves poor circulation by increasing metabolism, and increases the brain chemical serotonin, making it a natural tranquilizer that clears the mood.

Vanilla beans

The main ingredients, vanillin and linalool, have a tonic effect, a relaxing effect, and an anti-infection effect.

It also has the effect of regulating the intestinal environment.


It is a herbal medicine that improves blood circulation and relieves coldness.

Active oxygen is involved in aging as well as lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and this food contains a wealth of antioxidants that remove this active oxygen.

White Pepper

It has an effective effect against abdominal bloating, a diuretic effect, antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory effect, and antibacterial effect.

The ingredient piperine is expected to have cancer prevention effects, and there are also reports that it can help alleviate memory disorders and disabilities.

Cola Nuts

It contains the active ingredients caffeine and dehydrogenase, and caffeine is thought to have a stimulating effect as well as being effective in promoting digestion and helping with dieting.

Polyphenols such as anthonianin have the function of removing active oxygen.


It contains nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and C as well as calcium, iron, and magnesium, and its main ingredient, cineole, has the effect of promoting digestion and revitalizing weakened stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys.

It also reduces stress built up in the body, and is expected to improve poor circulation, skin problems, and gynecological diseases.


It reduces cell damage, suppresses inflammation, and helps regulate stomach problems such as nausea.

It can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels and prevent heart disease.

Its cytoprotective effects may reduce the risk of cancer through DNA alterations, cell death, and cancer cell proliferation.

Eagle Talon

The effects of capsaicin include increasing metabolism, promoting blood circulation, improving blood flow, improving poor circulation, increasing appetite, anti-aging, and improving skin.

It contains vitamins A, E, and C, which act as antioxidants and prevent the increase of active oxygen.

The effects of capsaicin help to recover from fatigue and make the body less susceptible to fatigue.

Sichuan Chili Pepper

The effects of capsaicin include increasing metabolism, promoting blood circulation, improving blood flow, improving poor circulation, increasing appetite, anti-aging, and improving skin beauty.

It contains vitamins A, E, and C, which act as antioxidants and prevent the increase of active oxygen.

The effects of capsaicin help to recover from fatigue and make the body less susceptible to fatigue.


Contains eugenol, which acts as an antioxidant.

There are research reports that it inhibits the proliferation of harmful cells such as cancer cells and NF-kB. It is also expected to have anti-aging properties.

It regulates the immune system and keeps cells in good condition. It also has an antibacterial effect that suppresses the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, which causes food poisoning.


The active ingredient cinnamaldehyde promotes blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every corner of the cells, and prevents the aging of capillaries, slowing the progression of arteriosclerosis and diabetic complications.

Its sweat-inducing and fever-reducing effects help prevent colds, and it is used in kakkonto when you are just starting to catch a cold.

It also relieves fatigue and tension.

Chinese pepper

Sanshool, a component with a numbing spiciness and gorgeous fragrance, relieves stomach digestion, loss of appetite and indigestion, activates the internal organs, and is also used in Chinese herbal stomach medicine.

It also warms the body, increases metabolism, induces sweating, improves chills, and is effective against summer fatigue.


This herb acts on the digestive system and helps relieve indigestion, while its digestive properties help maintain stomach health.

Prevents bad breath caused by abnormal fermentation in the stomach. Has antibacterial properties.

It is also used in aromatherapy to relieve psychological fatigue and improve mood.

Break and enjoy

Recommended way to drink



Milk mix

1 cola syrup: 4 milk

Mix craft cola syrup with milk for a chai-like flavor.

Drink it warm and you'll experience a spicy, pleasant flavor similar to hot chai.

On the other hand, when served chilled, it has a smooth and fresh taste, making it the perfect summer drink.


How to mix (soy milk, almond milk, oat milk)

Fat-free milk

1 Spicy cola syrup: 4 Nonfat milk

Mixing it with skim milk gives it a rich flavor.

Since it is made with non-fat milk, it makes a healthy, low-calorie drink.

Spicy craft cola syrup has a unique spicy sweetness, which is enhanced when combined with nonfat milk.

When served chilled, it is refreshing and easy to drink, making it the perfect drink for hot weather.



Amazake mix

1 Spicy cola syrup: 4 Amazake

Mixing in amazake gives it a deep richness and unique sweetness.

The sweetness of the amazake softens the spicy taste of the craft cola syrup, creating a harmonious flavor.

When served chilled, the mellow taste of the amazake blends well with the craft cola syrup, making it the perfect refreshing drink for the summer.



Coconut water mix

1 Spicy cola syrup: 4 Coconut water

Mix it with coconut water for a refreshing taste.

The spicy craft cola syrup brings out the natural sweetness of the coconut water, making it even more delicious.

Served chilled, the refreshing flavour of coconut water blends well with the spicy craft cola syrup to create the perfect refreshing drink for summer.



Spicy Craft Cola Float

1 Spicy cola syrup: 4 Carbonated water + ice cream

Combining spicy craft cola with ice cream creates a delicious drink that is both sweet and rich.

Spicy craft cola has a unique flavor made with herbs and spices, and is characterized by its refreshing and clean taste.

On the other hand, ice cream is an irresistible sweet treat with a rich flavor and a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

By mixing spicy craft cola with ice cream, the refreshing taste of the cola and the creaminess of the ice cream combine to create a taste that is just like a special iced soda.

You can choose your favorite ice cream flavor such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc.

Also great for cooking recipes!

Since it's a syrup, it can be used in a variety of ways.
It can be used not only for drinking but also for cooking.
It's also delicious poured over desserts.


Pre-sauna drink

Hayashi Fun Research Institute

Hayashi Yukai Research Institute is the direct sales department of Towa Assembly Co., Ltd.

The company has also been selected as one of the 100 New Diversity Management Companies, and its theme is increasing employment opportunities for those who are disadvantaged in the workforce.

Our craft cola syrup is handcrafted, healthy and delicious.

Craft cola syrup was born when we were looking for a drink that would go well with gyoza.

It has a spicy, hot, and numbing taste.

This is an energy drink that also helps recover from fatigue.

By mixing the syrup with carbonated water and adjusting the ratio, you can create your own original craft cola.

This is a versatile syrup that can be used in cocktails and cooking.

The ingredients are additive-free and we also offer caffeine-free versions. We also sell craft cola syrups, as well as liqueurs and gins.

Please enjoy your own unique drink with your own homemade craft cola syrup.