
6/1 プラス・ワン祭りが開催されます。

The Plus One Festival will be held on June 1st.

The 13th Plus One Festival will be held. Date and time: Saturday, June 1st, 10:00-14:00 Location: Towa Assembly Co., Ltd. employee parking lot There will also be a raffle (a...

The Plus One Festival will be held on June 1st.

The 13th Plus One Festival will be held. Date and time: Saturday, June 1st, 10:00-14:00 Location: Towa Assembly Co., Ltd. employee parking lot There will also be a raffle (a...

爆汗コーラシロップ 【辛っコーラ  5辛、7辛、9辛 飲み比べセット】です。疲れ切った体と心に、元気を届ける究極のエナジークラフトコーラシロップ、「FAIR TRADE COLA(フェアトレードコーラ)に新たに爆汗コーラシリーズが誕生しました。5倍、7倍、9倍の辛さでサウナ入浴などに飲めばより深いととのいへ導くための良い汗がかけます。体の芯から火山のマグマのような体験をおすすめします。

5.10 The project was featured in the Tono Shimp...

We appeared as the 169th guest on FM Pipi's "That's the Key Point." We were selected as one of the "100 New Diversity Management Companies of 2021," and while we...

5.10 The project was featured in the Tono Shimp...

We appeared as the 169th guest on FM Pipi's "That's the Key Point." We were selected as one of the "100 New Diversity Management Companies of 2021," and while we...

第13回プラス・ワンまつりが開催されます。 日時:6月1日(土) 10:00~14:00  場所:東和組立社員駐車場 入場無料で抽選会もあります。 クラフトコーラも出店してますのでぜひよろしくお願い致します

6/1 Participating in the Plus One Festival

The 13th Plus One Festival will be held. Date and time: Saturday, June 1st 10:00-14:00 Location: Towa Assembly Employee Parking Lot Admission is free and there will be a raffle....

6/1 Participating in the Plus One Festival

The 13th Plus One Festival will be held. Date and time: Saturday, June 1st 10:00-14:00 Location: Towa Assembly Employee Parking Lot Admission is free and there will be a raffle....

サ活 ととのう 効果 エナジー クラフトコーラ フェアトレードコーラ おすすめ スパイス サウナ前 水分補給 炭酸割 休憩中 シロップ スポーツドリンク ミネラル 飲みやすい 疲労回復 リラックス 発汗 燃焼系 グルシン 味 サウナスイーツ ととのった 爽やか 人気 楽しむ キメル 爆汗 玉汗 あまみ ロウリュ アウフグース 羽衣 ヴィヒタ サウナハット 熱波 オロポ イオンウォーター ポカリスエット アクエリアス 外気浴 電解質補給 ウィスキング サウナー

I went to Yaotsu Sauna & Spice @yaotsusauna!

I went to Yaotsu Sauna & Spice @yaotsusauna yesterday! As always, the location was amazing and I enjoyed the wood-fired sauna. If you drink a spicy cola as a sauna...

I went to Yaotsu Sauna & Spice @yaotsusauna!

I went to Yaotsu Sauna & Spice @yaotsusauna yesterday! As always, the location was amazing and I enjoyed the wood-fired sauna. If you drink a spicy cola as a sauna...


Notice of Golden Week holidays

Notice of Golden Week holidays. We will be closed from Saturday, April 27th to Sunday, May 5th. Please note that shipping will begin after May 6th.

Notice of Golden Week holidays

Notice of Golden Week holidays. We will be closed from Saturday, April 27th to Sunday, May 5th. Please note that shipping will begin after May 6th.

KASUGAI産学交流会の一行様ご視察ありがとうございました。 講演会の後のクラフトコーラ・クラフトリキュールの試飲即売会、大変好評で多くのお買い上げありがとうございました。

3/8 Visit by KASUGAI Industry-Academia Exchange...

Thank you to the KASUGAI Industry-Academia Exchange Association for visiting us. The craft cola and craft liqueur tasting and sale session after the lecture was a huge success, with many...

3/8 Visit by KASUGAI Industry-Academia Exchange...

Thank you to the KASUGAI Industry-Academia Exchange Association for visiting us. The craft cola and craft liqueur tasting and sale session after the lecture was a huge success, with many...