2023年11月4日5日とリバーポートパーク美濃加茂にてRiver to Summitが開催され、林愉快研究所も出店致しました。イベント限定で1杯200円で販売し、合計300人以上の方に飲んで頂きました。感想の動画を後日アップ致します。当日は天候に恵まれ、ミナモくんもおいしいとコーラを楽しんでくれました。ウォーキングや、サウナ後にはフェアトレードコーラ、女性の方にはレモンを入れると色変するオルテンシア、お子様にはノンカフェイン、無添加でのみやすいACACOLAが評判でした。

11/4 .5 Opening a store at River to Summit

River to Summit was held at Riverport Park Minokamo on November 4th and 5th, 2023, and Hayashi Yukai Laboratory also had a booth. We sold it for 200 yen per cup only at the event, and more than 300 people in total tried it. We will upload a video of our impressions at a later date. The weather was good on the day, and Minamo-kun also enjoyed the cola, saying it was delicious. Fairtrade cola was popular after walking and sauna, Hortensia, which changes color when lemon is added to it for women, and ACACOLA, which is caffeine-free, additive-free and easy to drink for children.
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