木曽川中流域を舞台に川から山そして町へとつなぐアクティビティとマルシェ『日本ラインKISOGAWA River to Summit』に2023年11月4日(土)5日(日)と連日出店致します。スパイスをたくさんつかったエナジークラフトコーラ、女子に人気の青のリフレッシュコーラ、ハイビスカスの赤コーラがコップ1杯イベント限定価格200円で提供致します。コーラのスパイスを使って地元の白扇酒造とコラボしたリキュール、割って楽しむカラフルジンの販売も行います。

11/4,5 Nippon Line KISOGAWA opens store at River to Summit

We will be setting up a stall at the "Kisogawa River to Summit" activity and market, which connects the river to the mountains and the town in the midstream of the Kiso River, on Saturday, November 4th and Sunday, November 5th, 2023. We will be offering a glass of energy craft cola made with lots of spices, a blue refreshment cola that is popular among women, and a hibiscus red cola at the event-only price of 200 yen. We will also be selling a liqueur made in collaboration with the local Shiraougi Brewery using cola spices, and colorful gin to mix and enjoy. We will also be holding other limited-time events for visitors only, so please come and visit us.
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