2/4岐阜新聞に新商品が掲載されました。 【爆汗コーラ】は近年のサウナブームを受け、プレサウナドリンクとして開発しました。5辛、7辛、9辛の3種類を試飲会で飲んで頂いたところ好感触でした。  【金柑コーラ】は市内の自社農場で無農薬栽培する金柑をフェアトレードコーラに加えました。特有のまろやかな酸味や香りが特徴です。  2月中旬に発売予定です。

[February 4th Gifu Shimbun New Product Featured] Kumquat Cola Bakuan Cola


Our new products were featured in the Gifu Shimbun newspaper on February 4th.

[Bakushun Cola] was developed as a pre-sauna drink in response to the recent sauna boom. We held a tasting event where people tried three different types of cola, with levels of spiciness of 5, 7, and 9, and the reaction was positive.

[Kumquat Cola] is a fair trade cola made by adding kumquats grown without pesticides on our own farm in the city. It has a unique mellow acidity and aroma.

It is scheduled to be released in mid-February.

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